Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Unique selling proposition 101

I've been talking a lot about unique selling propositions USPs) lately. These USP's are the thing that makes your product or service king.

The trouble is, a lot of small businesses can't articulate why their product or service is different from the rest. They think they know, but they can't tell you in 20 words or less. So they blend in with their competitors and miss out on market share, on new business.

The key to marketing power is to be specific about why your business is unique. Why you're the best, and why people need to buy from you over someone else.

How do you do this? Ask yourself the one question your customers will ask: why should I do business with you over anyone else?

Answer this, by spending the time drilling down on your selling proposition, and you have your unique point of difference.

Being specific will bring you success.


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